How to use teamviewer with server 2012
How to use teamviewer with server 2012

how to use teamviewer with server 2012

If the setting is Disabled, you should change it to Enabled or Not Configured. The program displays an ID and a password.

how to use teamviewer with server 2012

Back on your own computer, when you connect to the remote computer TeamViewer presents you with a TeamViewer authentication dialog. On the host computer, ask the person on the other end to download and run the TeamViewerQS.exe file for the TeamViewer Quick Support (.exe file) module. In Security Rules for connecting to this computer Windows logon, choose one of either Allowed for all users or Allowed for administrators only.

how to use teamviewer with server 2012

To check those settings, go to Start > Run, type gpedit.msc, navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Connections, and find the Allow users to connect remotely by using Remote Desktop Services setting. Open TeamViewer on the remote computer and choose Extras Options. You can enable or disable Remote Desktop centrally through Group Policy settings. Identify whether Group Policy is blocking RDP ^ Check out this article to learn more about return codes and their descriptions. The output of the command should be either 0 (started) or 10 (already running). For testing purposes, you can disable Windows Firewall on the remote computer with this command: Invoke-Command -ComputerName Win7 -ScriptBlock TeamViewer QuickSupprt (QS) lets ERIS User Support Technicians connect to your.

How to use teamviewer with server 2012